How to work with the selenite crystal

How to work with the selenite crystal

Selenite is a crystal that is pure white and some have inclusions in them if they are the raw pieces. It doesn’t have to be cleared or cleansed. It also can clear all your chakras if you use it as in taking the crystal in your hand and waving it away from you. Run the crystal down your body then use the outward motion to clear any energy that is surrounding you. Selenite is also a good chakra to use for the Crown Chakra, Soul Star Chakra and your Transpersonal Chakras (chakras that are located above the Soul Star Chakra). This is a pure white stone and it is very powerful in it’s own right. 

Need a good clearing and energizing crystal? You need to know how to work with Selenite crystals!

Selenite can also be used to clear and charge other crystals. What you want to do is lay the crystals down near the Selenite or if you have a Selenite log, you can lay the crystals right on there. Selenite comes in tumbled form and raw form and it is very easy to find. I use this stone always in my Energy Healings, my readings (as I read crystals also) and also to help others clear their energy from time to time. 

Putting this stone under your pillow at night is a great way to connect with it and let it pick up your energy. Selenite can help you have vivid dreams that you can remember and also help you if you would like to astral travel. Pair this stone with Angelite and you can also reach your angels and guides. You will find you are more open to information coming through if you carry the stone around with you or if you meditate with it. 

This is one stone you don’t want to put in the sun as it will fade and you also don’t want to put it into any salt to clear it. This can leave a pitted surface and will not work very well. To give it some extra zing and energy, you can put it in the window or outside at night as it resonates with the moon’s energy. It is named after the Moon Goddess Selene. This is why it helps with dream power and astral travel. This stone is also wonderful for past life recall to help you heal situations you have brought forward from past lives. You will see yourself in a situation as in maybe a vivid dream or astral travel type situation, this is where Selenite is showing you where the healing needs to be and where it originated from. 

You can pair with it any stone at all and it will give it that extra boost needed to get it going. While it is next to the stone, it will also clear and charge it while working on it. One way to meditate with it is putting it on your Third Eye Chakra in a laying down position. You will find you will feel the energy running up and down your meridians and ley lines clearing away the toxicity and also any stagnant energy that is there. They are known as high vibrational stones because of the energy and connection it gives you.  Selenite can also be used to grid your home as you put a piece in each corner of a room to rid it of any negative and to bring peace and calm to the surrounding area. 

There are different types of Selenite as there is a Desert Rose Selenite, Green Selenite or even a Fishtail (more commonly known as Angel Wings) Selenite. It also comes in Wand form which can be used to clear your energy.  There is also Golden Selenite. You go by what calls you as the crystal usually calls you to it. When you pick it up, you will either feel warmth or cold coming from it or even a few words might cross your mind. I find with me, that the crystal usually sends pins and needles in my hand all the way up my arm and I know that crystal wants to come home with me. 

This was the first stone that I ever purchased when I started collecting crystals. I now have over 250 crystals and still use this one constantly because of its attributes. 

WORD OF CAUTION WITH SELENITE: Do not ever put it in water as it will disintegrate. You also do not want to put it in any sea salt or cold water as the sea salt will pit it.