Free tarot card draw

Tarot readings are renowned for divining the future via the spread of cards and the wisdom, psychic ability and insight of the reader. These packs of 78 cards feature wands, cups, swords and pentacles in the 56 minor Arcana set, and images, such as the Hanged Man, the Fool and the Devil within the major Arcana cards. 

Answers to life's problems sometimes arrive from unusual sources, you may never have experienced a Tarot Reading in the past, yet they can give indications of your future to guide you in making decisions that are right for you and an online tarot reading could be best for an initial reading. Want to read more free cards? Go to the free card reading overview

Weekly tarot card draw©

Weekly Card Draw

Every week our tarot card drawer draws three cards with personal message. Choose your own spiritual card. Please follow the weekly card draw on Facebook

Below this week's card draw

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card 1 - Ten of Swords

End · Failure · Mortality · New hope · Ruin

Ten of Swords's Meaning

The X of Swords is a cause for fear in any who believe in the power of the cards, and you should prepare yourself for whatever it portends. It is one of many cards which can represent disaster, but, alone among them, it is a disaster which cannot be avoided. It foretells not only a complete failure but an unavoidable one. What is more, the failure will not be small or easily overcome. This is not a fortune to be changed or avoided, only endured: If you stay strong, new dreams can be built from the ashes.


By coming to terms with a sometimes bitter reality, you are learning that moving forward is the most important aspect of healing.


The end of something important is about to occur, so be prepared to deal with the consequences. Nothing in life is permanent.


Assess the direction you are headed. Beware following the opinions of other's, as this may lead you aware from your own truth. Seeing the world through pragmatic eyes will balance your optimism.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Ten of Swords shows a sudden ending or a negative outcome in some endeavour in your life. It could mean failure, ruin, or mortality accompanied by depression and feelings of being broken and crushed by the weight of the world. Harsh and negative, this card says no.

card 1 - Ten of Swords

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card 2 - Four of Wands

Celebrations and happiness · Completion · Harmony · New beginnings · Pleasure

Four of Wands's Meaning

Peace and security follow in the wake of the Four of Wands, usually in the smaller aspects of your life. Do not let the limited scope bring you to underestimate the joy that simple successes can bring, however: This is a card of good endings and fresh starts. Its presence should be welcome if you are beginning a new relationship -- or a new phase of one, such as marriage or engagement -- and is especially good for those about to move residences.


Your consistent efforts have resulted in reward and satisfaction. The drive to create or build something has been developing in your subconscious.


Accept the support of friends and loved ones, as you cannot be strong all the time. You are on track to completing something meaningful, so do not forget that you are not alone.


By believing in yourself and applying positive energy to your decisions, you will achieve prosperity. The foundation of your future will be laid on the good deeds of your present.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Four of Wands represents pleasurable and harmonious new beginnings. It stands for successfully completing something in your life and brings with it feelings of happiness, balance, and forward progression toward good things to come. The answer you are seeking is yes.

card 2 - Four of Wands

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card 3 - Justice

Balance · Equality · Fairness · Justice · Law and legal matters

Justice's Meaning

Justice is a very good card to find in your spread if you have acted with kindness and fairness towards other and, especially, if you have been a victim. It is a significant indicator of a positive resolution, although how and what sort will depend on your own experiences. If you have been unfair, abusive, or otherwise shady and immoral in your dealings, though, pay heed. For the unjust, this card is, at best, a dire warning to change your ways before retribution falls upon you, and, at worst, a simple statement that it is already too late. In neutral cases, it may simply be telling you to seek out balance in your life.


Balancing your emotions will pay off and bring you harmony in relationships. The confusion of your life can be overcome if you find inner balance.


You wil receive some gift of advice or have a debt repaid to you.


When all is said and done, you will receive the outcome that you truly deserve. Your moral character will be justified, so maintain integrety and strive to balance yourself.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Justice card is all about karma, fairness, and balance in different affairs in your life. It does not suggest an outcome that is either for or against you, but accountability, dignity, and integrity are all liked to its presence. There is no clear cut answer to your question.

card 3 - Justice

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You can also get access to the the weekly tarot card draw on our Facebook page.  


Ways tarot readings can help you figure things out in your life... 

Tarot, as we know it today, is often associated with various forms of ancient wisdom and mystical traditions. While some believe it has roots in ancient Egypt, historical evidence points to its development in 15th-century Europe as a card game.

Over time, Tarot cards became associated with mysticism and divination, drawing upon Kabalistic, Hermetic, and other esoteric traditions.

Some also suggest influences from ancient Hindu beliefs and Chinese mysticism, although these connections are more speculative and not as well-documented.

Tarot readers at PsychicWorld hold a very special place, as the founders themselves are experienced practitioners. Among all the esoteric practices offered on the website, Tarot readers are the experts subjected to the strictest scrutiny.

There is a misconception that anyone can learn Tarot and its different variants in a few classes by reading some well-known books and sources on the subject. However, mastering the art of Tarot is complex and requires a lot of practice and attention to detail.

As a Tarot reader, you must understand the cards within the current astrological context, your own self-awareness, and the context of the person you are reading for.

What this means is that when you consult a Tarot specialist on PsychicWorld, you are talking to the cream of the crop, getting readings from experts who have spent many years honing their skills in Tarot.

Finding a truly qualified Tarot reader in your community, town, or even state may be more difficult, especially if you are looking for the best readers with extensive knowledge of this ancient practice.

What are the benefits of a live (online) tarot reading?

Arranging an online Tarot reading on this platform is quick, convenient, and satisfying. Our dedicated Tarot filter allows you to select from a large number of different readers so that you can find the expert who best suits your needs. When addressing your reader, you can discuss matters of relationships, career and money, finances, love, and lifestyle.

In fact, any problems you may have in your life that need solving can be put in front of a reader and addressed with the different types of spreads used by experienced Tarotists.

Achieving spiritual awareness and deep self-knowledge is a difficult goal, especially in the current fast-paced digital world where juggling all of life's responsibilities and pressures generates a lot of stress. Let me break it down for you: a single reading will not unlock all of life's mysteries. It’s not that easy.

So, what can you expect from one or several Tarot readings? While you may not get all the answers, a properly conducted reading will offer keys and clues on how to improve yourself, enhance your mental health, and reduce stress. It helps you understand better, change perspective, and ultimately improve coping.

You don’t have to struggle with all of life's problems and burdens on your own. Let a skilled Tarot reader assist you on your journey to becoming a better version of yourself.

Don’t wait.

Try it today and see for yourself. Remember, before your reading, you should relax and quietly contemplate the questions you want answered. Don’t do a reading without a goal in mind.

What do you want to address?


Start the journey… Start it now…