2025 is a massive shift for many of us that have been walking our spiritual path - on a personal and business level. You need someone who speaks your language to guide you forward forward and I am very aware of how quickly everything is changing.
Let me help you navigate this transformative shift of 2025 for the betterment of your own life and the life of others. Let me show you where you are leaking sacred energy.
It's time to leave behind soulmates and twin flames and actively seek out your Kingdom Partner for the new age approaching. Questions arise, and uncertainties cloud your vision and yet this path you are on is meant to free you from fear and allow the true alchemist within to manifest your goals. Let me help you with your transformative journey: Is he/she the one meant for me? Why is my husband acting this way? How can I navigate the pain of betrayal? Is it possible to reunite with a lost love?
Learn more about me by clicking "read more" below.
● General life readings
● Relationship Advice
● Breaking Up & Divorce
● Cheating & Affairs
● Parents & Children
● Family Advice
● Love & Sex
● Dating Advice
● Karma & Past Life
As your dedicated spiritual counselor, I genuinely CARE about your well-being, offering heartfelt support and guidance throughout your voyage of self-discovery. However I am also firm - you will need to change your old thinking patterns to keep up with the Aquarian energy we have now entered. This is a fascinating period in our evolutionary history and I can help you unlock your own visionary power. Let's embark on this soul-stirring journey together, seeking clarity and understanding. So much is changing rapidly and there is nothing to fear. You are already on the right path - I can help you tune into the frequencies and tap into the answers you need.
I am thankfully blessed in the Art of Tarot: With profound intuition, I provide meaningful insight - translating the messages to fit with the times we are living in. Angelic Connection with Angels is paramount in 2025 to ensure our soul is protected - the double and triple numbers that guide you on your sacred path are signs and signals that however difficult your journey may be you are always connected to a Divine Source of power. Working Closely with Angelic Guidance and a Teacher & Student of A Course of Miracles - I will help you heal from broken relationships so you rebuild your life the way you wish it to be. Know Thyself & I will help you.
I am a mother of 7 older children, a bullied empath having experienced a toxic family of birth. I have gone through two marriages with narcissistic individuals who have wickedly targeted me from every angle. I have 35 years experience and as an older woman can advise you from my own personal wisdom and my deep sense of intuition. It's now time for YOU to discover your own inner power and radiance and to uncover your own calling. I have been featured on Showmax and I am a well known and trusted psychic in my own country of birth. There is no situation I have not dealt with through the thousands of clients I have successfully guided over the years. But I have not operated from a gilded tower - I carry the battle scars as many of us do from the attacks of those who live and operate on the lower vibrational levels.
I have experience with divorce, psychopathic and narcissistic abuse, business and money crooks, broken hearts and the dark night of the soul. My loving hand is reaching out to you - offering powerful solutions and answers to any situation that has caused you harm or confusion.