Worry and Covid-19

Worry and COVID-19, lifehacks to counter anxiety


Worry - to feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.  

Facing a situation, you never imagined could happen it can be very hard not to worry. Our world is changing rapidly now and with the non-stop media coverage of this virus it is hard not to worry, not only about yourself but about family and friends. 

We all suffer from worry and anxiety at the best of times, but especially now when nearly everything you see or hear has a negative feeling it can make you feel as if all you are doing is worrying.

Although worry can be triggered by several things and surprisingly worry can also be triggered when your life seems to be going well, when you suddenly get that thought “what if this does not last?” but considering our lives at the moment and the uncertain health problems it is natural for us to be concerned and have some worry surrounding us.

Everyone worries to some degree, and some planning ahead can help you cope. Worry becomes a problem when it stops you from living your life you want to live, or if it leaves you feeling demoralised and exhausted. There are essentially two types of worry:


 1. Actual worries

These are real worries about what is actually affecting you and you need a solution for them.

It is going to rain, and the washing is still on the line, 
I need to phone my friend because it is her birthday, 
I can’t find my mobile phone, 
I can’t afford to pay the school fees, 
I have had an argument with my partner, and he is not talking to me
My coronavirus test came back positive

For real problems you have a certain amount of control over them. And the best way to tackle them is to take a look at the problem and then decide on what the best solution for it is going to be. Can you deal with it by doing something yourself or do you need to enlist the help of friends, family and professionals to help you make decisions, problem solve and find solutions?


2. Potential worries

These are worries that do not currently exist, but which might happen in the future. 

What if my car breaks down?
What if I don’t pass my exams?
What if I die?
What if my partner does not call me today?
What happens if I catch the corona virus?
and of course given the state of the world with Covid-19 being a real concern and so many worrying about catching the virus there are ways you can deal with this worry by adhering  to suggested guidelines solution to keep yourself safe, like washing your hands and social distancing. 

Worries are sometimes based in the future and are fears about what could possibly happen. But not all the things we worry about have the same chance of happening. What's more, even if there is a strong chance of something happening, our worrying about it often doesn't do anything to change the fact. 

So instead of worrying about what if’s rather concentrate on other things that will bring more fulfilment and happiness into your life and if by any remote chance that worry becomes an actual worry, you will deal with it then.
With the current health situation, your normal routines and daily activities could change. Naturally this can be unsettling, and things you usually did to look after your well-being have become difficult Whether you are working from home, or in some form of physical isolation or distancing, it can be helpful to organise a daily routine that involves a balance between activities that:
• give you a sense of achievement
• help you feel close and connected with others
• activities that you can do just for pleasure.


Some final tips 

Set a routine. If you are spending more time at home, it is important to continue with a regular routine. Maintain a regular time for waking up and going to bed, eating at regular times, and getting ready and dressed each morning. 

Stay mentally and physically active. When you plan your daily timetable, have a go at including activities that keep both your mind and body active. For example, you could try learning something new with an online course or challenge yourself to learn a new language. It’s also important to keep physically active. For example, doing rigorous housework for 30 minutes, or an online exercise video. 

Practice gratitude. At times of uncertainty, developing a gratitude practice can help you to connect with moments of joy, aliveness, and pleasure. At the end of each day, take time to reflect on what you are thankful for today. Try and be specific and notice new things each day, for example ‘I am grateful that it was sunny at lunchtime so I could sit in the garden’. You could start a gratitude journal or keep notes in a gratitude jar. Encourage other people in your home to get involved too.

Notice and limit worry triggers. As the health situation develops it can feel like we need to constantly follow the news or check social media for updates. However, you might notice this also triggers your worry and anxiety. Try to notice what triggers your worry. For example, is it watching the news for more than 30 minutes? Checking social media every hour? Try to limit the time that you are exposed to worry triggers each day. 

Make sure you stay ahead of fake news. The World Health Organisation has a great site giving factual and up to date information as well as a page dedicated to myth busters

I wish you health, safety and contentment during this trying time in life. Try new things, bond with family and friends even if it is via video chat or phone calls and start planning a whole bright and happy future. We will come out of this, so make sure you are ready to see your dreams manifest.

Blessing to you

About the Author 


Gabriella  has been helping others find their true path and helping them delve into their situations and find peace, clarity and their correct path for over 25 years. She is blessed with the gift of being able to help you find clarity in your life. She uses tarot cards and angels to find the answers for you and I can also help with your visions and interpret them for you.