Astrology reading

In an Astrology reading you will indentify the energies that were present at your birth. This will give you a better understanding of who you are and more importantly where you’re heading. 


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Beginners guide to Astrology Readings


astrology black and white circle chart

In Ancient Greece, the philosopher Socrates famously declared that the unexamined life was not worth living. Asked to sum up what all philosophical learnings could be reduced too, he replied ‘Know yourself.’ 

How astrology helps you find out more about yourself

Knowing yourself has extraordinary prestige in our society. It is the meaning of life! So what is self-knowledge and why is it so important? And furthermore what do we in fact need to know about ourselves and how do we learn these things?

Put simply it means understanding your strengths and weaknesses; your passions and fears; your desires and dreams. 

We all know that understanding the self is a difficult task! When we speak about awareness of ourselves, we’re alluding to a particular kind of knowledge – generally one of an emotional or psychological state. There are many paths to self discovery and understanding, but one stands out - Astrology.

What is Astrology?

Astrology is the study, at any moment in time, of the interaction between the planets and stars with your personality. An astrologer will use your birth chart to forecast your future. Your chart, also referred to as your natal chart, reveals the location of the planets in the sky at the time of your birth and can provide deep insight into your personality, motivations and desires.

man with glasses reading the astrology chart

How can an Astrology reading help me?

Leading astrologer Rebecca Gordon points to the benefits of a chart reading as identifying “your individual uniqueness and providing motivational guidance so you’re equipped to meet life's challenges as well as successes.”.

They have helped people for centuries to understand more about their lives, their personality and how they can plan for a better future. As Aristotle famously explained, “knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”.

Zodiac signs

In understanding both your zodiac sign and your rising signs you will develop an innate understanding of your personality; be able to deal better with how others perceive you; and work constructively toward a happier life. 

Appreciating how the houses of the horoscope represent different fields of experience will bring balance and consistency to your life. And by understanding the impact that the sun and moon have on us, we can be aware of the impact that their energies are playing out.

Why get an online Astrology Reading?

An online reading will put all the pieces of the puzzle together. In connecting all the dots, an advisor will tell the client all about their personality and by doing so enable them to understand their struggles and identify their life purpose. 

We believe that with modern technology, online astrology readings are effective and provide an accessible way of gaining insight from wisdom that has been around for centuries. For an online reading the priority is to properly identify elements of astrological significance and being able to apply that to your life.

A regular online astrology reading will help you identify distinct events throughout your life and help you prepare your thoughts accordingly. By being mindful of the planet's alignment and their effect on you, you can achieve more in life from a position of confidence and timely actions.

Whether you are new to online readings or just looking for a new way to interpret your place in the universe, we are ready to help. Our directory is full of compassionate people who are more than ready to get to grips with whatever life is throwing at you. By providing insight into the stars and how their movements through your life can affect your destiny, we can help build success and happiness.


How to read an Astrology chart?

  1. Locate your zodiac sign
  2. Learn the meaning of your zodiac sign
  3. Identify your ascendant
  4. Learn the meaning of the first 6 houses
  5. Learn the meaning of the last 6 houses
  6. Locate the planets
  7. Learn the personal planets
  8. Learn the outer planets
  9. Interpret planets using houses and signs
  10. Get help from a pro...


1. Locate your signthe Zodiac wheel on PsychicWorld

The outer rim of a Zodiac chart, also known as the Zodiac wheel, is divided into 12 sections, each one represents a sign, which is associated with certain charater traits.  The first sign is Aries, the wheel can then be read counter clockwise. The twelve signs are also grouped into four elements: fire, earth, air and water.  Each of these elementary groups also has distinct and specific traits. 

2. Learn the meaning of your sign

Every Zodiac sign is unique and different just like your personality. The analysiof the positions of the Planets, the Sun and the Moon on the Ecliptic moment of birth gives a glimpse into people's basic preferencess, charatecteristics, flaws and fears. The twelve Zodiac signs and their corresponding elementary groups are: 

 Fire Signs  Aries  Leo  Sagittarius
 Earth Signs  Taurus  Virgo  Capricorn
 Air Signs  Gemini  Libra  Aquarius
 Water Signs  Cancer  Scorpio  Pisces



Just like fire that can both keep you warm but also cause great destruction, fire signs tend to be passionate and temperamental. They can get angry very quickly for the most trivial reasons but they also forgive easily.  Fire signs are creative, idealist, self-aware and always ready for some action!


ARIES - The courageous Ram is bold, confident and ready to conquer the challenges that lie ahead.  Honest, passionate and optimistic but also short-tempered, moody and aggressive. 



LEO - The mighty Leo is generous and expressive. He is also humorous, warm and passionate. Lazyness, arrogance and stubborness are some of his less charming traits. 



SAGITTARIUS - Free spirited explorer driven by a constant need to expand its mind and heart. Sagittarius know little limits, they're friendly and interesting yet they can drive you crazy. Basically they're fiery and exciting but generally lack focus.




Grounded and physical, they stand-out for their ability to improve- and make use of the material world. Slow and steady, they tend to be fiercly loyal and stable companions and friends. The element of Earth will stand with their people through hard times, like the beacon of a lighthouse. Earth signs are people of habit and continuity. 


TAURUS - The powerful and sturdy bull has an iron will. Taurus is stubborn and determined, don't try to stand in its way! Bulls are risk averse and they know that slow and steady wins the race. Bulls are material and like aesthetics and art.



VIRGO - Are about details, they strive for perfection. Virgo's are quick to point out shortcomings and issue. They are perfectionists, reliable and always ready to assist others.



CAPRICORN - The success driven mountain goat is all about work hard / play hard. Capricorns are good and kind providers, they are generally classy and reserved. They can be a little rigid and negelct their loved ones. 




The winds of change sweeping the clouds away. Like the soft breeze or the strongs gusts of wind, they are hard to grasp and unpredictable.The element of Air gives (all) life room to breathe, it opens your lungs and liberates your mind. All signs that belong to this element long for personal freedom.


GEMINI - Socialite Gemini's are versatile and curious creatures, concerned with acquiring as much knowledge, in all its forms, as they can. They are fun, inspiring and make everyone feel comfortable. Listening is not their strong point. 



LIBRA - The graceful, charming and peaceful scales care about balance. They have a pronounced sense of right & wrong & strive for harmony. They're rational, emotional and popular creatures. Generallly poor at decision making. 



AQUARIUS - The visionary Aquarius is a rebellious and progressive creature. They are helpful, kind and always have and device fantastic new ideas and plans. This free and forward looking spirit always makes sure you raise the bar.  




Like the oceans, deep and mysterious, the element of water is in movement, constantely changing. Water signs are emotional, extremely sensitive, and rely heavily on intuition. Their empathy and general understading of others explains why they tend to have good people skills. Blinded by emotions they can be easily offended and like the currents they can get lost or spiral in circles if they are not "contained".  


CANCER - The intuitive crab is an emotional creature looking for love. Cancers are caring and protective and probably the most gentle of all Zodiacs. Don't let it fool you, athough they like security, they always stand-up for loved ones. 



SCORPIO - The intuitive Scorpio is a passionate and mysterious creature that strives in the darkest places. Scorpio's have a need to constantly reinvent themselves, they are capable, deep and have a magnetic personality. Don't keep too much inside. 



PISCES - Pisces are dreamy and spiritual people, drawn to everything mystic and spiritual. They are compassionate, empathic and loving people. Intuitive and incredibly creative they know how to balance pragmatism and understanding. 



3. Identify your ascendantthe Zodiac wheel on PsychicWorld

The Ascendant, also known as the Rising Sign, is located at 9 o'clock on the Zodiac wheel. It marks the beginning of the horoscope birth chart. It's the point of the ecliptic by sign and degree that was ascending or rising over the Eastern horizon at the time of your birth. You need to know your Ascendant to find the houses in your chart. 


4. Learn the meaning of the first 6 houses 

The 12 Astrological houses describe a specific field of experience of a person. Note that most Astrologers consider that whenever a planet is near a house cusp, it belongs to the said house. These are at the first six houses and how they influences different areas of your life: the_12_houses_meaning_keywords

  • First House: your persona, appearance outward personality
  • Second House: finance, money, possessions, values
  • Third House: network, communication, immediate environment, sibblings
  • Fourth House: home, parents, roots, circumstances at the end of life
  • Fifth House: creativity, romance, children, fun
  • Sixth House: work, health, service


5. Learn the meaning of the last 6 houses 

These are at the last six houses and how they influences different areas of your life:

  • Seventh House: marriage and relationships
  • Eighth House: sex, death, regeneration, other people’s money
  • Ninth House: higher education, travel, religion, philosophy, publishing,law
  • Tenth House: career, status, reputation
  • Eleventh House: friends, groups, goals, aspirations
  • Twelfth House: seclusion, secrets, spirituality, self-sabotage, institutions


6. Locate the planets 

The movement and positions of celestial bodies and planets has a profound impact on your love life, family realtionships, your mood, work, wealth and everything in between. Understanding these patterns of the universe gives Astrologers unique insight on who you are , why you struggle with certain specific aspects of your life and what you should focus on in your life in order to improve it.

the ruling planets PsychicWorld

7. Learn the personal planets 

According to Astrology the Sun, the Moon and the planets represent different facets of who you are and express their energies through the signs that they are associiated with at the exact moment you were born. Briefly, the planet symbols and what they stand for, what they are associated with: 

  • Sun represents your identity and purpose in life
  • Moon represents how people reflect on personal experiences
  • Mercury represents your ability to relate to individuals
  • Venus illustrates what you're comfortable with, what you enjoy
  • Mars represents your will and your actions


8. Learn the outer planets

  • Jupiter represents expansion, abundance, optimisim
  • Saturn stands for structure, pessimism, restrictions
  • Uranusis the planet of eccentricity, rebellion and upheaval!
  • Neptune is symbol for dreams and imagination
  • Pluto is about the influences of power, obsession and transformation


9. Interpret planets using houses and signs 

The last step consists of putting together the pieces of the puzzle. On your Astrology chart you need to look at the planets, where do they appear in the houses and under which sign? Connecting all the dots will tell the reader all about your personality and by doing so, enable her/him (or yourself!) to help you undertand your own personality and struggles better and find your life purpose. 


10. Get a reading from a REAL professional! 

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More information about Astrology readings on PsychicWorld.

Who performs Astrology readings on PsyhcicWorld?

All of the mediums we can connect you with are professional and compassionate individuals. They have detailed knowledge of astrological charts and how each sign can be affected by the ever-changing cosmos. 

Your readings will involve meeting with one of our experts online and building up a personal chart and divining how the movement of astrological bodies has an effect on your life.

It is important to find the right astrologer for you and know what you want to get out of your reading. Whether to better understand your past or strategise about your future, our experts will be well equipped to help you.

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