Automatic writing

Automatic writing is simply the process of a person writing or drawing, without consciously controlling their actions. 


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A starters guide to: Automatic Writing


woman writing in her journal on her lap

Automatic writing channels spirits through writing and drawing using the power of the unconscious mind. It has a strong history of connecting people with the spiritual world.

What is Automatic Writing?

It is the process and product of writing and drawing without using the conscious mind. The technique is often practiced while the person writing is in a trance state; others are fully awake and aware of their surroundings, but not of the actions of their writing hand. In either setting the author does not have conscious control over the words they are writing.

This method of channeling spirits may produce unrelated words, fragments of poetry, epithets, or well-organised writings. Theories on personality that focus on character traits, attitudes and memories that are incompatible with a person’s conscious awareness, believe that this part of a person's character may be suppressed and rarely expressed in the course of normal daily life.

These elements may be revealed however through automatic writing. It has a strong history and holds spiritual significance, which will be outlined here, particularly the benefits of online automatic writing.

What is the purpose of Automatic Writing?

In automatic writing the hand is simply an instrument. This allows the body to be used for two main purposes. Either the hand can be linked to the person's unconscious mind in an effort to reveal hidden or suppressed thoughts and feelings; or it can be attached to a supernatural spirit, such as that of a deceased person.

This kind of writing has often been used in the past by artists to stimulate creative thinking, something that continues to this day. Through séances and other spiritual gatherings during the Surrealist movement, artists practiced automatic writing to stimulate creativity and produce original works of art. 

In literature it is clear that many writers have produced material that they would not have written using only their conscious mind. As understanding of both the conscious and unconscious aspects of the human mind improve, automatic writing will be better recognised for its positive contribution to enhancing the world.

Doodling is a good example of this practice allowing people to naturally calm themselves, connect with their spiritual self and take pen to paper to express thoughts and feelings. Support in this process will help you understand these writings and ensure you don’t stop. 

Learn more about the history of Automatic Writing

Automatic writing or Spirit writing, later called Fuji (planchette writing) (扶乩/扶箕), has a long tradition in China, where messages from various deities and spirits were received by mediums since the Song dynasty. In the 19th century, messages received through spirit writing led to the foundation of several Chinese salvationist religions

In Western cultures the practice dates as far back as the 16th century and the Enochian language, when angels dictated instruction including information regarding the elixir of life. One of the best-known practitioners was Hélène Smith. In addition to claims of past lives as a Hindu princess and Marie Antoinette, Smith produced writing in Arabic and what she claimed were the languages of Mars and Uranus.

More recently Arthur Conan Doyle, the famous creator of Sherlock Holmes, describes the process, in his book ’The New Revelation’ (1918) and noted that writing occurs either by the unconscious mind or by external spirits operating through the writer and that “this form of mediumship gives the very highest results. It is only by the information received that we can tell our own subconscious knowledge.” Doyle and his wife went on to lead sessions with the notable illusionist Harry Houdini, a man Doyle believed to be a powerful spiritual medium.

woman with black dress reading cards in the living room

How to use Automatic Writing?

It can be a fantastic introduction to spirituality and channeling as it requires very little equipment, not even a ouija board and is a gentle introduction for people who are cautious of what they might encounter on the other side. It is an excellent exercise in patience, requiring a calm and serene state with a focus on deep breathing. 

For beginners it is often simplest to try and make a connection with themselves, whether that part of themselves is their subconscious or a higher being. When they feel they have made this connection they simply allow themselves to write or draw. Additionally it can be used as an exercise in channeling or communicating with other entities.

It can be done using a variety of mediums - anything from paints to a laptop. It is important that one must read what they have written or drawn. What you have may not make any sense at all, and it may not be pretty, but don't worry or judge yourself harshly as there is support to understand what you have started to write.

How Automatic Writing can help you creativity

Automatic writing can be used as an exercise to help you increase your creativity or improve your writing, thinking and wellbeing. Whatever your use for automatic writing, it can be a great exercise to transfer what's beyond your physical self and bring it to life with the support of psychic guides.

Automatic writing can also be used as a therapeutic technique. Talking therapies are common and writing is just another way to express these thoughts and feelings. The process of understanding and learning is the same and the value that you can take from readings will support you on your journey of understanding and acceptance.

Psychic mediums with a lot of experience can channel specific people, living or past, that are requested of them. The messages that they convey can be very powerful and one of the benefits of requesting help from such an experienced psychic is that they are able to establish a stronger connection with the source of the writing, using their experience to get the most accurate message possible.

Online automatic writing is a fantastic way to get in contact with your spirituality by embracing your psychic ability, finding answers to specific questions and gaining guidance from spirits.

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