Use the extra vitality you possess wisely, work out what you want to achieve and focus your energy in the best way you know. Don't fritter away time, wasting it on thankless tasks. Instead, expand your outlook and examine your personal life too, where positive surprises are in store for your relationship. If single, the people you meet are especially agreeable and appealing.
If things aren't progressing very well in your relationship, you need to make a stand. If possible, take some difficult decisions and confront unexpected problems. Meanwhile, don't allow yourself to lose sight of your romantic ambitions or forget what you've learned, the journey is often the only reward you receive.
If your work is criticized in a particularly harsh manner, then develop a thorough plan straightaway to improve your situation and accomplish any outstanding tasks. Don't be too reticent about your plans, make other’s aware of what it is you're attempting to achieve, and you'll receive valuable tips and support from them.
Authority and power mesmerize you, and those Sadomasochistic games are quite tempting. For the meantime, though, leave the dog collar and riding crop in the wardrobe. Take it easy at first; if you like it, do it a little more each time.
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All free horoscopes Today's horoscopes Tomorrow's horoscopesBesides the fact that on a daily level the horoscope makes clear what is in store for you as a Sagittarius, you can read here what specific characteristics are in store for the Sagittarius. Being a Sagittarius, you have a naturally optimistic attitude and are helpful to others.
You brim with self-confidence and enjoy entering into a discussion to make your views clear. You can sometimes be so enthusiastic about something that you forget to finish something else. Furthermore, you cannot stand injustice and dishonesty. Because of your sense of justice, you always want the truth to come out.
You have a broad interest in all kinds of areas and like to dive deeper into something to gain knowledge. You're like a sponge who absorbs everything, because there seems to be no end to taking in as much information as possible about anything and everything. Not only that, but you want to be able to talk about everything.
You look to the future with confidence, partly because of your rosy character.
The sign of Sagittarius sometimes finds it difficult to fully commit to a relationship, as the desire for freedom remains present to a certain extent. This can be difficult for a partner to deal with.
You strive for a pleasant relationship, but also like to do nice things with good friends and family. This is because you are a 'people person'. Your partner sometimes longs for moments to enjoy being together, but you seem to have less of a need.
But appearances can be deceptive, because you can also really enjoy being with your partner. A Leo can be a good partner for you because they recognize and understand the feeling of freedom. In addition, you may have a good click with Pisces. Taurus and Capricorn can also be matched, but they have to adapt to your lifestyle.
There is a lot to tell per constellation in terms of specific characteristics and also about the day you were born. Here we explain a number of core characteristics per day of birth:
November 23: Epicurean, sometimes naive and likes to take risks.