the empress

The Empress

The Empress represents the core characteristics of the feminine: mother, nurturer, fertility, giving birth (to children and dreams), receptiveness, abundance, inner peace. When she comes up in a reading, know that your needs will be more than provided for and that you'll feel well taken care of.

She also shows that you will find happiness in nurturing those around you. If you are a man, she might be encouraging you to get more in touch with your feminine qualities. When you are a woman, her presence lets you know it is OK to fully appreciate your role as a woman.

This card also points to creativity and beauty. Seeing the Empress tarot card in a reading means that you should get in touch with your creative side and to beautify your surroundings. She strengthens your resolve to be innovative and she helps you see form and order where none might have been previously. 

The Empress also shows a need to connect with the Mother Earth. If you haven't been getting outside lately, this card points to a need to spend more time in nature, soaking up the beauty and peacefulness of your surrounding environment.  

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